Thursday, August 24, 2017

Introduction to Collin (That's me)

So I suppose this is the part where I talk about myself. My father always said "The best place to start is at the beginning", so I will follow such sound advise. I was born in Plano, Texas on March 3rd, 1995 to Martin and Susan. When I was still a toddler, we moved from Texas to Oklahoma, where I've spent most of my life. Growing up I was a quiet unassuming child, however I eventually grew out of it. I attended high school in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and did the things that your average Oklahoma teen does (Pretty much sit around and wish for something to do). After High school I traveled South to attend the University of Oklahoma. There during Freshman year I had a coming to God moment, literally, and have been learning and growing in the Christian faith ever since. My major is Psychology which I will hopefully use during my time in Christian ministry, which is the career path I'm taking.
A photo of me in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland. Source: me

I have a small variety of hobbies that I dabble in from time to time. The one I spend the most time doing is playing tabletop role-playing games with my friends. Seldom does a week go by in which I haven't played at least three games with multiple groups. I'd say I have a problem, but the games have too many benefits for me to consider that a bad thing. First, I'm able to express my creative ideas in a medium in which I excel in, talking. Second, I get out of the house and hang out with my friends. Third, the games help me to improve my leadership and communication skills. There are many more benefits to playing these games, but this is a post about me not Dungeons & Dragons, so I shan't continue down this uber nerdy rabbit hole.

Other hobbies of mine include music (I sing, and play the banjo, harp, harmonica, ocarina, and some piano), wood-working, blacksmithing, working out, and camping. I was able to do all of those over the summer for my job, as I worked at Philmont Scout Ranch. As I already revealed in my Favorite Places entry, I held the position of Program Counselor in a camp called Black Mountain. While there I helped campers learn and participate in blacksmithing and shooting .58 caliber muzzle-loading rifles.
ME relaxing on the ground after a long days' work. Source: myself 
Like I've already mentioned, I plan on going into ministry after my time in college. I have plans on moving to Greeley, Colorado to help a mentor and friend start a church there. Our heart goes out to the community, as Greeley is around 20% impoverished. Our hope is to start a small community of house churches (church groups that meet in a member's house), so we can forgo buying and maintaining a building, thus saving the tithes we receive for pouring back into the community.  Beyond that, I have no idea what God has in store for me, but I'm certainly hopeful for a future full of love and laughter. 

So, I suppose in a quick way, that's me.


  1. Hey there Collin,
    I was in your group last night in advanced personality. Small world at OU, I guess. I think it's cool that you like tabletop gaming, my brother has been really into that for years. Personally I prefer JRPG video games. I also love camping. The Wichita Mountains are one of my favorite places that I've ever been. It's so relaxing there.

  2. How great that you do role-playing games, Collin! I started playing Dungeons and Dragons back when I was in junior high (1970s), and it makes me happy to think that it still goes on. There was a student in this class some years ago who is now a board game designer; you can see the latest game he published this summer: Fox in the Forest. The artwork is really beautiful as you can see there. And I am still fascinated by the summer you spent at Black Mountain; that picture looks like it wants a story to go with it! Anyway, it sounds like there will be lots of good intersections between the readings in this class and your interests; I hope you will enjoy it. :-)

  3. Hi Collin! Glad to meet a fellow psych major in this class. I think its really cool that you want to go into ministry after college because a lot of people think that psychology and religion can't go together which is totally not true. The people of Greeley will be lucky to have you!

    You are a really great storyteller which I bet is helpful for your role-playing games. I've personally never played any of those games but I hear they are really fun!

    Can't wait to get to know you better throughout the semester!

  4. Hi Collin!
    Wow, you really are the first person I've "met" that has had so many unique hobbies. That is so cool. I wish I was able to do any of the things you listed. Your career choice is very admiring. You definitely have a servant heart, and it really shows through your writing. I am excited to follow your journey this semester as you write stories. It was nice to meet you!

  5. Hi Colon! Wow that's awesome that you want to go into ministry! I'm a Christian as well so I know what an incredible sacrifice that is and how much dedication it takes - Good luck! I'll be praying for you! It's really interesting that you play role playing games - have you ever been to Wizards Asylum in Norman? I think they specialize in those kind of games, my friends live right next door but have never quite worked up the nerve to go inside! Hopefully you can give me some tips because we really want to go in a meet their cat! Have a great week!

  6. Hello Collin, I think its great you've decided to go into ministry. I know a few guys who have and they've told me it's both challenging and rewarding at the same time. Anyways, it's pretty neat you like table top games. I've only played a few, but my brother-in-law is a big tabletop player. He's always trying to get me to play some with him.

  7. Hi Collin,
    I am intrigued by your vision for the church plant in Greeley. It does make sense to spend less money on facilities and more on the community. I think an understanding of psychology is very important to the church, especially since pastors end up doing a lot of counseling. How did you end up playing such a variety of instruments?

    1. I suppose you could say my inability to choose. I just can't pick one instrument to master, so I'm mediocre at a lot! Jack of all trades, master of none, so to speak. But banjo is definitely my favorite at the moment.

  8. Collin,
    I loved your introduction. I appreciate the transparency, and the way that you convey who you are through your interests and future plans! I actually have a friend from Bartlesville - strange, I know. His name is Lane Callaghan, perhaps you know him?
    Anyways, congratulations on the coming-to-God moment! I would be very interested to hear how that happened, particularly as that has had such an enormous impact on you by not only changing your current life, but your post-graduate plans as well. I once read a book called The Pastor, a memoir of Eugene Peterson's. Much of his story involves his unofficial ministry training and how he went about starting churches, much in the way that you have described here. Maybe you should check it out!

  9. Hello Collin! I thoroughly appreciate that you had a whole paragraph dedicated to board games. I also found it interesting that you listed reasons why games are extremely beneficial. Your faith and vision for the future are vary admirable. What made you decide that this was What you wanted to do with your life?

  10. Hi Collin! I really enjoyed reading your introduction post. I have a roommate and a couple other friends from Bartlesville actually. It sounds like a fun place to grow up. I also loved reading about your decision to go into ministry, that is so cool! Also, I think it's awesome that you are studying psychology to get to ministry. Psychology is a subject area that is SO interesting to me and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

  11. Hi Collin! I like that you started your introduction from the very beginning! I think it is really cool that you are pursuing a career path in ministry.I never really thought about Dungeons and Dragons having life lessons so it is rally cool that you related it to that.

  12. Hi Collin! It is great that you are willing to help and give back to the communities. I am glad that you will able to do what you have always wanted. My friend introduced me to Dungeons & Dragons last year and I was so lost at first, but over time, I actually grow to like it a lot because you can sorta make up your own story as you go and it is quite humorous. It is also great that you are able to play so many musical instruments, I play the piano and I thought that was already a handful! Overall, good luck finishing the rest of the semester and it is nice to meet you.

  13. Hello, Collin! It is so impressive that you play the banjo! My birthday is later this month and I am getting a banjo! I already play piano, drums, and guitar and am looking forward to taking on a new challenge. You might have to give me some tips!
    Anyways, I am so happy that you have decided to go into ministry. I am called to missions and it is so exciting when someone finds their faith!
    Best of luck, friend!

  14. Hi Collin,
    Its really cool that you black smith, I've wanted to get into that myself at some point but I don't have the equipment or the time. I have a 45. caliber muzzloader so I can relate to the joys of shooting one. Your future plans of building a church for the poor is a very admirable goal and I am inspired by you. Best of luck to you Collin.

  15. Hey Collin! I have always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons but I don't know how to get started and don't have good friends who play. Maybe you could retell a story by using Dungeons and Dragons! That's great that you have pretty specific plans about starting a community after college! You seem driven and focused which is more than most people can say as they come to the end of their college experience!

  16. Hey Collin, thanks for sharing your introduction. That's awesome that you are going into the ministry, good luck with all that! your hobbies sound really interesting and it's great to see that you're just out there doing what you love. Good for you! Anyways, good luck with everything in the future, and happy blogging!

  17. Hi Colin, it is nice to meet you! I am glad to hear you are going into ministry! I have worked at a church in OKC for the past 4 years with a youth group. I love my job and while I do not foresee myself going to seminary, I know that playing a role in ministry will always be something I strive to do. I love that your heart is set on that town in Colorado. You are going to change many lives for the Kingdom!

  18. Hi Collin! Nice to meet you and learn a little about you. I love that you have such a passion for both ministry and Dungeons & Dragons. I've never played, but I've heard it's super fun. I'd never heard of the home churches setup before, but that makes a lot of sense — I imagine it'd be really costly to rent or purchase a building for a church. Good luck with your endeavors!

  19. Hi Collin!
    You have a very great introduction.It's great to meet you and I've learned a lot about you so far. I know some people from Bartlesville and it sounds like a great place! I can tell that you are very passionate about all that you do. I love that you have such big goals and are set in what you want to do. Did you study abroad in Ireland, or just go there on vacation? I've always wanted to go there! Good luck on the rest of your semester, and I look forward to reading your posts!

  20. Hi Collin!
    Your introduction was interesting. I have never played Dungeons & Dragons before, but you made it sound really intriguing. I like fantasy, but tend to focus more on the reading parts of it. I now feel like I missed out! You seem very driven and focused in your goals. That's very admirable and I wish you the best in your future!

  21. Hey Collin! Sounds like you’ve had a pretty interesting and life shaping experience here at OU. I think a lot of people try to blow through their education so they can get to their “real life.” You seem to have gotten more out of it than that. I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons, but I have a friend who plays with a group once a week. She seems to enjoy it. I also really like playing Skyrim which, from what I know about Dungeons and Dragons, has a similar theme. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Hey Collin,

    To start off, I have to say that your goals and aspirations are very admirable. Reading your plans for the future, it looks like you are a very giving, dedicated person. I believe that you will go far once you set off to start that church you spoke of.

    As for instruments, I think it is really cool that you play the banjo! Growing up in Oklahoma, I have always been surrounded by banjo players, and have always been a fan of it, hoping to one day learn how to play it.

    It's great to meet you; I hope you have a good and successful semester.

  23. Hi Collin,

    I grew up not too far from Plano, Texas. Ever heard of Rockwall? Since I've come to Oklahoma, I've met several people from Bartlesville! I hear it's kind of a small town so maybe you know the same people I do!
    I think it's so cool that you're going into ministry after college! I don't hear a lot about that these days and I think the world could use more people like you!
    You sound like a super great guy and I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

  24. Hi Collin! First I would like to say that I really like your writing style! It is very full of personality. I think it is admirable how much you want to help the community in Colorado, and I really hope you succeed in your endeavors. You seem very dedicated so I am sure that you will! I wish you the best of luck in the rest of your semester!

  25. Hi there Collin! It is so nice to meet you!
    Okay, you win the 'best photos on an intro page' award, you look way cool in them!! I too grew up in Oklahoma, and I understand your comment regarding sitting around wising for something to happen alllll to well. But hey, now we're at the coolest university ever, so guess something DID happen :) good luck with everything!

  26. Hi Collin! Great to meet you through this page, and great to hear about your heart for ministry. I so admire everyone following that calling on their life, and it's great that you have a specific community on your heart. Also, quite impressive hobbies! The friends I know who've travelled to Philmont absolutely loved it and made it sound incredible. Also, I grew up in the town right next to Plano (Allen)! Good to get to know a little about you — best of luck this semester and with all your plans.

  27. Hey Collin,
    I can’t believe the semester is almost over and I just now came across your blog. You are the first person I have met that does blacksmithing, and it seems really intriguing. I have so many questions on what exactly you do and where do you go (other than the camp you worked for) to learn how to do that? You seem very well wrtiien and creative so I cannot wait to read some of your stories. I will have to see if I can find you project as well. Good luck in the last leg of the semester and with opening up the house churches in Colorado!

  28. Hey Collin,
    I really enjoyed your introduction! I think the fact that you have found your faith and are pursuing that in the future is amazing! I love Colorado and grew up going there because my mom lives there. I love camping and being outdoors as well and miss being able to do it so often like I did when I was growing up. Overall great introduction!

  29. Hey Collin,

    So Im pretty sure we are also in Choctaw together with professor Lewis! Such a small world that we have another class together. You have such wide variety of hobbies and thats so cool! I keep telling myself I need to pick up more hobbies but being in 18 hours this semester it has been tough to say the least. I dont think I have gotten a chance to read any of your stories so I will definitely look for you name. Great Intro!

  30. Hey Collin!
    You sound like you lead a really interesting life! That is also funny that you were born in Plano, I was born there as well. One thing that struck me was your position at Black Mountain, teaching others about blacksmithing and shooting muzzle loading rifles sounds enjoyable!

  31. Hi Collin! I was born in Texas, too! I am from the Flower Mound area. You seem like a very well rounded person and have many interesting hobbies. I think it is awesome that you are going to use your psychology degree in your Christian ministry. I am fascinated by Psychology and I think it's great that you are going to use it to help people!

  32. Hi Collin!
    I have similar background as you such that I wasn't born in Oklahoma initially. I was born in San Jose, California and moved over here during my toddler years. I can see that you have many many hobbies and various talents which is so awesome. You seem like a person who utilizes and maximizes their time to the fullest potential. I find it so cool that your using your degree to better your Christian ministry.

  33. Hey Collin,
    You prefer D&D or Pathfinder? Assuming D&D. I tried to do a few PF campaigns with buddies but schedules kept interfering and then I moved to Norman for school so that sucked. Are there any other table top games you play besides D&D? Hope the rest of the semester goes well.

  34. Hi Collin! Cool hobbies. I don't think I know anyone who does wood-working or blacksmithing, but they seem like really appealing activities because of the mix of manual labor and artistry. Philmont Ranch is in New Mexico, right? I'm from NM but I've never been to the ranch, although I hear a lot about it from my Boy Scout cousins! The belt is pretty cool. Nice to learn a little bit about you, and good luck with those post-college goals. It's so nice to hear about people looking to strengthen struggling communities.

  35. Hey Collin,
    Great to meet you! I think that is great that you'll Be moving to Greeley Colorado to help with mentoring and starting a church! I am from Colorado and I have been to Greeley a couple of times, the smell is definitely something that will take some getting used to but its still a great community. I hope that everything goes as planned and the church is successful! Nice to meet you Collin and good luck on your finals

  36. Hi Collin!
    I think it is wonderful that you found faith. The bible is such and interesting text to study. Here is a link to a video series on the psychological significance of the biblical stories . I thought of this when I read your intro. Good luck on your finals and happy holidays.
