Sunday, August 27, 2017

Time Strategies

Judging from the time stamp that will be posted on this post when I publish it, you can tell I'm not very good at time management... It's not that I don't want to do my assignments, I just get side tracked very easily. Unfortunately, that isn't a good enough excuse in the real world, so I need to work on my time management this semester. My goals for this class are that I never use the grace periods and that I can finish most assignments a day in advance. Overall this semester, my time managment goal is to wake up earlier. It's a simple thing that adds so much more time and productivity to my day when I wake up early. If I sleep in my whole day is usually sluggish and unproductive. So that is my hope for this semester.

One of the articles I read was the "4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination" article. The author offered 4 very good questions that I hope to utilize in my fight against laziness in the coming days. Particularly, the first question, "What one thing can I do to get started?" Is one that I will intently recall as I'm beginning the many daunting tasks that I must complete throughout my days. The second article I read was "The Psychology of Checklists". The author's idea's about checklists are true, at least in my experience. When I was working in Philmont over the summer, nothing gave me more satisfaction than checking off an item from my to do list after a long day of work. So, this semester is going to be the semester of completed checklists for Collin. No more late turn ins.
Credit goes to Oliver Tacke on Flickr; Source: Flickr

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