Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Reading Notes: Lions, Tigers, and Jackals! Oh My!

Lion Fables-
The last story made me sad for the lion, so I would do one of two things with it. 1.) give the lion a break and maybe have him find a nice lioness who is into guys without any claws, or 2.) set up the lion to be more unlikable. As the story serves right now, he's just a guy in love that gets cheated. Maybe I'm looking into it too much. I also like the idea of a lot of quick little stories all involving a common theme, rather than one long narrative. Mostly that's because my attention span just doesn't stretch that far.

I love how this one ends. The whole middle part with the Brahman asking for the opinion of the road, tree, an ox felt a little long and almost unnecessary. At any rate, the animals acted as I felt an actual jackal and tiger would act were they intelligent, so the characterization was spot on.
Looking so smug.
Credit goes to Minku2016; Source: Wikimedia Commons

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